Monday, February 28, 2011

The Contessa's Birthday

It's been almost three years since my kitty, The Contessa Carlotta de Cremona, came to live with me.  But her birthday is right about now.  I'm not sure of the exact date but I think it was near the end of February, possibly the 29th, since she is a leap year kitty.  She was nearly lost in the shuffle when the kittens were born.  She was found not breathing but was saved by her person.

She was a tiny, little peanut when she came home with me.  The first thing she did when I picked her up at home, was reach her little arms and give me a kiss on the chin.  She was a very entertaining kitten.  Play, play, play!  She could jump straight up like popcorn!

Play play play.  Sleep.

She really knows how to relax too.

She loves fresh air and exercise outside when the weather is nice.

She loves a cardboard box or a paper bag too.

She is a dainty, elegant cat.  Except when she is getting into mischief and tearing around like a crazycat.  She has also proved to be a good mouser and has remained a kissy cat into her adulthood.

She's not expecially fond of photos, but she loves a good nap.
Happy Birtday Lottie!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

"The Yucatan Trova"

 On my recent trip to Mexico, I went to Mérida to see friends.  The anniversary of Mérida was being celebrated at the time with lots of music and dancing.  One especially charming custom is the parade of the Trova groups.  Everyone dresses up.

"The Yucatan Trova" is considered a national treasure, and is also the result of a literary and musical culture flourished between 1900 and 1940 Merida, at which time the serenades and veiled artistic formed an integral part of social life in that city."

"In Mexico, the tradition of trova takes the form of songs originated in the Yucatan peninsula, and generally known as “trova yucateca” or Yucatecan trova. These songs are considered a true national treasure. They were the result of a literary and musical cultural movement that took place in Mérida between 1900 and 1940. During this period, serenades and musical soirees were a key part of social life in the city. "
 The various unions march together, each group singing their own song.  The ladies wear their dress huipils which are richly embroidered and very fancy.

Calesas are also dressed up with flowers.

Most of the musicians are getting on in years.  This is a lovely tradition.  These musicians could be found on the zocalo waiting for people to hire them to play for parties or serenades for birthdays. This evening, we followed the musicians to the zocalo where they performed again and then fireworks were set off at midnight into the night sky.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

March on the Capitol

Today we marched again on the capitol to demonstrate for our right of collective bargaining.  Our new governor wants to dismantle our rights and many services in Wisconsin, a state known for a history of progressive politics.
Students, teachers, fireman, state workers and union members have been marching for a week now to stand and represent for our rights.
The governor has threatened to begin terminating state employees.
He wants to privatize the University so students can't afford it.

 He's telling us he needs to balance the budget.

It's not really about the money.

It's about collective bargaining.  Education.  Health care.
Handing our rights over to the corporations.

The union has agreed to the budgetary adjustments but
that is not enough.  He wants to take away our rights to
bargain for anything but salary

People from all over the world have been sending pizza to the protesters from Ian's Pizza
Thank you everyone.  It was delicous!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


One day I went to the windy side of the island.  Not as many people go there.  The waves roll in.

And with the waves come shell, rocks, and sea glass.  This time I decided I wanted sea glass for jewelry projects.
  Not so many people come to this side of the island...

But some do...

It's a perfect spot for beachcombing...

And relaxing...

Feels as good as you might imagine!

And I brought home a baggie full of beach glass for jewelry projects!