Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Paris Musings

I've already been back more than a month, but I'm still under the spell of Paris. This was my third and best visit to Paris. I had the extreme good fortune of having wonderful friends currently living in Paris. So, every morning when I woke up, I'd go into the front room and this was my view. Avenue Bugeaud from the inside. Go ahead and be jealous. Can you see the little pot of cat grass on the floor out there? That was for Omrey, the chubby tabby. I fell in love with him. Everyone fussed about how fat he was and his eating disorder and he needed exercise and everything but he was a beautiful cat and I just loved him. He had the typical cat behaviour: out to see the cat grass...back in... back out...

There was also a shih tzu living there too: Chiara. I longed to take her to the cafe so we could really pretend to be authentic French ladies with our doggie at the cafe. But Chiara's heart belongs to Daddy and she waits for him. We put the leash on her and let her know we were excited to take her to breakfast and she just looked at us like she didn't speak a word of English. Well, she may have been born in Brazil and lived a lot of places but her people speak English around the house, so we knew she was just being sweetly stubborn about the whole thing. So, Ursula and I spent our days wandering about, window shopping, drinking coffee, snacking, buying wine, cheese, fruit, vegetables, bread at the markets, gossipping, descending into the Metro to come up in yet another beautiful neighborhood of Paris. Then, at the end of the day, we came back to our own beautiful neighborhood for wine, fruit, cheese bread and chocolates with our friends...

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